Our certifications

Our cocoa programs are certified organic and fair trade by third-party and independent organizations.

These certifications provide a guarantee for consumers and professionals. While they provide us with a baseline standard, at Kaoka, we take our commitments even further in the field.

BIOPARTENAIRE: A UNIQUE LABEL FOR SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE, FAIR AND COMMITTED ORGANIC PRODUCE Through its integrity and high standards, BIOPARTENAIRE® is the label of reference for responsible organic produce.

A BIOPARTENAIRE® labelled product contains at least 50% of ingredients from Biopartnerships. Biopartnerships are chains of reciprocal and fair commitments between Biopartners in France and around the world.

A fair remunerative price for growers

Support for development projects

Requirement of a social and environmental approach

Distribution in specialized stores

Associative and transparent management of the label

This guarantee system is controlled by an independent organization at each stage of the chain.

REMEMBER 100% of Kaoka products are labelled BIOPARTENAIRE® (for cocoa, sugar, vanilla, hazelnuts and raisins)


Kaoka products are certified Organic Agriculture Europe by Ecocert, which guarantees agricultural methods that are respectful of the environment, from the conservation of soil fertility to the maintenance of biodiversity, through to labelling for consumers. In France, the AB logo and the European organic logo both guarantee that the product complies with European organic regulations.

To learn more

Fair for Life

Kaoka products and programs are Fair for Life controlled by the Ecocert organization, which certifies fair trade products worldwide.

To learn more

BioEntrepriseDurable Following an audit by the independent body Ecocert, Kaoka was labelled BioEntrepriseDurable (Sustainable Organic Business) with a final score of 70%.

This label defends a sustainable food model that is fairer, more transparent and more ecological. It is awarded according to specifications set out in ISO 26000, the benchmark international standard for CSR.

To learn more about BioEntrepriseDurable