Kaoka Peru

SEQUA – a sustainable development project for aromatic cocoa

In our cocoa program in Peru, we are currently leading a major project for the sustainable development of aromatic cocoa.

This 400,000-euro project is co-financed by SEQUA, (a German development organisation active globally ), and KAOKA, in our latest integrated program, in the heart of the Ucayali region. This exciting program has been made possible thanks to the DeveloPPP program of the German development cooperation!

This project has multiple objectives:

  • Strengthening production capacities
  • Developing infrastructures for growers
  • Promoting agroforestry cultivation and soil restoration
  • Innovation and research work
  • Encouraging the exchange of experiences between growers

Promising first results

Today more than 400 growers have already benefited from training in soil restoration and agroforestry cultivation techniques.

Several infrastructures have also already emerged, such as the composting facility used in the major campaign to restore soil deteriorated by the cultivation of coca.

New equipment has been added to the current laboratory, which will allow the production and tasting of cocoa masses, essential for our quality control.

Other upcoming actions

The various initiatives are spread over the entire duration of the project. Research work on the fermentation of cocoa is set to begin shortly in partnership with the University of Tingo Maria in Peru.

Every day, KAOKA is committed to enabling growers to increase their yields, while making sure to perfect the taste of its chocolates!

Find out more about the Peru program

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